Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Adjusting to life at home

Things are well here. Reilly is doing great, we went to the pediatrician yesterday, he still hasn't gained any weight but she wasn't too concerned. We are still working on the when to sleep and when to eat times but we are getting there slowly but surely. It has definitely been a team effort! Here are some pictures from our first few days at home.


  1. I forget how tiny they are:-(
    He looks like his Daddy;-) You did good.
    Can't wait to meet him

  2. Is he wearing a usc shirt?

    He's so quickly you forget:) Enjoy this goes by so fast. I'd give anything to be back in your shoes with a week old. It's SO hard, but SO fun!!

    He's so cute! He's got a head of hair:)

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He's beautiful! And, he looks SO much like Billy in that second picture. Josh and I are so happy for you both :).

  4. sounds like you are doing well... pretty soon it will be second nature! You're way ahead of me... Reilly has already had a bath... that's one more than my kids!

