Saturday, November 13, 2010

Surfin USA and the Sandbox

So I might not win mother of the year award, and my family will agree, but I had to posts these pictures. Reilly's latest thing is to crawl up on the ottoman, stand up and dance while I sing a rousing rendition of Surfin is so funny. As you can see by the pictures my brother and sister are entertained as well!!

Here are also a few pics of Rei enjoying his that the weather has cooled off we can really enjoy our new backyard.


We are going to have a few catch up posts to do...since this is a journal of our life with Reilly I cant miss anything...sorry for the delay. Halloween was a lot of fun, Rei did great in his Nemo costume! We didn't trick or of my biggest pet peaves is adults trick or treating with kids that cant even eat the candy! Our auntie Ginger came over for the a can of Ginger Ale!!!
