Sunday, December 13, 2009

Grandpa's 90th Birthday

Getting ready for our flight with aunt Katie

Just hangin in the hotel but so cute I couldn't resist!

We don't have to dress like this in Arizona!!!

Reilly getting to meet his Great Grandpa was so cool!

My cousin Denise and I, we decided 10 years when you get older isn't really that big of a difference!

Reilly getting the same treatment from Grandpa we did when we were kids!

Mom with her grandson, and Grandpa with his Granddaughters

Grandpa with most of his Grand kids

Grandpa with his grand kids and 7 of his soon to be 12 Great Grand kids

We were SO fortunate this weekend to be able to go up to Fargo, ND to celebrate my Grandpa's 90th Birthday. It was the best weekend...a long way to travel and a little chilly (the high was about 7) but it was so worth it. I rarely get to see any of my cousins let alone most of them in one weekend. It was awesome to get to see my Grandpa to and it meant the world to me (and I think my mom too) to get to introduce him to Reilly. We had a great weekend hanging out with everyone and topped it off with a Pizza Party and toast in honor of the big birthday.

Reilly was awesome on the plane, it really helped that aunt Katie was with us, I am sure Billy would agree that 6 hands are better than 2!!! We are ready to get back in the swing of things and looking forward to a great holiday season.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reilly's First Christmas Tree

In spite of Reilly being a little cranky tonight, not sure if it is a little Jet lag or Teething, we got our Christmas Tree put up. As usual Billy took the reins on this one, it is SO wonderful to have somebody that loves Christmas so much and is willing to help (or do most of it!)

Reilly and Billy had a great time in St. Louis, I missed them SO much but I know that the Seymour's miss him as well so it was nice they got to go back. It sounds like Rei did great on all four of the flights.

We are headed up to Fargo (yes Fargo, where the high is going to be 6 degrees) for Grandpa Carl's 90th Birthday this weekend, I can only hope that we have an uneventful trip...aunt Katie is flying with us so I am hoping that between the three of us we are in good shape. He has been a little fussy and I am wondering if his teeth aren't far away.

Here are a few pictures from our first Christmas Tree with Reilly...we cant wait for the rest of the Holiday season!!
