Monday, December 7, 2009

Reilly's First Christmas Tree

In spite of Reilly being a little cranky tonight, not sure if it is a little Jet lag or Teething, we got our Christmas Tree put up. As usual Billy took the reins on this one, it is SO wonderful to have somebody that loves Christmas so much and is willing to help (or do most of it!)

Reilly and Billy had a great time in St. Louis, I missed them SO much but I know that the Seymour's miss him as well so it was nice they got to go back. It sounds like Rei did great on all four of the flights.

We are headed up to Fargo (yes Fargo, where the high is going to be 6 degrees) for Grandpa Carl's 90th Birthday this weekend, I can only hope that we have an uneventful trip...aunt Katie is flying with us so I am hoping that between the three of us we are in good shape. He has been a little fussy and I am wondering if his teeth aren't far away.

Here are a few pictures from our first Christmas Tree with Reilly...we cant wait for the rest of the Holiday season!!


  1. So cute! And, it looks like the baby weight is melting off mama :). Your face is looking thin!!

  2. he'll be fine on the flight!! just bring a bottle or paci for him to suck on teh way up and way down.

    Have fun!

  3. Oh how cute, I'm glad you made it while they were in St.Louis I'm sure it was hard! He is growing like a weed!

