Saturday, March 28, 2009

Something bigger than a Pea in my Pod??

Up until this week I have enjoyed shopping for and wearing maternity clothes. Yesterday afternoon I brought Katie along with me to try on some things at Pea in the Pod...I have decided this is officially the Abercrombie and Fitch of maternity clothes. Are you kidding me...I really dont think I am that huge but I wasnt about to even walk out of the dressing room in the largest pair of pants they had. Nothing boosts your self confidence than a Large pair of capris not fitting over your thighs!!! Thank goodness for the Gap and normal sized clothes.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

This isnt totally current but it was from a few weeks ago and since you are all insisting on seeing my chubbiness here you go!! This was March 6th...Katie's birthday.

Baby's First Ski Trip

Ok, I promise I did not go skiing 6 months pregnant but I finally got ahold of these pictures so I tought I would update them. The whole family, minus Katie went skiing in Sun Valley Idaho in early Feb. This is where Kath and Ted got married and spent a few years. It was nice to see some of thier old friends and I am sure they enjoyed reliving some of thier hippy days!!

Everything else is good, I am feeling great and feel the baby moving all the time...I swear he thinks soccer practice starts at 9pm every night...great!!!
