Thursday, July 16, 2009

2 Week Check Up

This was Reilly's first outing...he was there we promise...he is hiding behind the table, if it were up to Grandpa Teddy we would have woken him up for the photo op!

During one of his many naps the other day Billy looked down and got this cute surprise!

Showing us how long his legs are since his first growth spurt!

Mindy just wanted to say hi!

We went to the Doctor today for Reilly's 2 week check up, everything was great. He gained back the weight that he lost and then some and grew about an inch! Evidently mom's milk is doing the trick! We are convinced that there isn't much to a baby's digestive system, we are changing diapers about every 4 minutes! Here are some updated pics from bathtime and nap time. And I promise we were not torturing him with Mindy, simply introducing him to his big sister!

