Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Petunia has arrived

So I officially have the best brother and sister ever. With a little influence from somebody (I cant imagine who that is) they purchased Billy and I the diaper bag that I HAD to have...
I sure hope I use it!!!


  1. Hey Megs!! Love that diaper bag!! That is an awesome gift!! I have wanted that same exact one and was even tempted to treat myself to it the other day ;) I love that it is in a wipeable/waterproof material now ;) You look so great by the way, love the belly bump!! Hope all is well and you are feeling good!!! ;)

  2. cute bag...why would billy be included?? If he is anything like the Kollen girls' hubby's, he won't need a bag till the kid is out of diapers;-)

    Miss you


  3. Cute bag!! You're going to be very stylish. You do have the best sister and brother!! I'm going to have to agree with Kelsey...what is Billy going to do with that. Bill has only changed 1 diaper. He won't even buy them at the store! It's like he thinks they are tampons or something.

  4. Don't snag it...it will break your heart, speaking from experience with my Pentunia!:)

