I cant get these pictures in order! Rei just hangin out before bed time.

After a little hair cut from my mom and dad

Working in crawling

Pre Hair cut...holy cow it was long!

We suck fingers instead of thumbs...oh well
I am SO sorry for the delay in the posts, I have some serious making up for lost time to do!
Things are GREAT here, Reilly is doing awesome, we think crawling is right around the corner. Since we have not done this before we cant really say for sure but he gets up on all fours and rocks.
We had a rather eventful February...
On a sad note my mom's dad, Grandpa Carl, passed away. He was the best grandfather and great grandfather to all of us. He and my Grandma were amazing role models for all of my cousins, siblings and Billy and me. It is so crazy to think that we were just up in Minnesota visiting Grandpa for his 90th Birthday in December....it is amazing that we all made it up there...I think Grandma Florence organized that one! At the end, as sad as it was, it was so nice to know that he is finally with Grandma again, it was truly where he wanted to be.
In the midst of all this we received a phone call from the Pima County Health Department notifying us that Reilly had been exposed to the Measles while at the Doctors office getting diagnosed with his first ear infection. He ended up being ok but in the time that we were waiting to see if symptoms showed up he was not allowed to go to day care. We leaned on some of our dearest friends to help us out and are SO grateful to have them.
March seems to be off to a better start, we survived the World Matchplay, which is an eventful week for my family all around, work is going well for both Billy and I, Reilly is great, Mindy is great...we really cant complain.
I typically try not to get sappy on here but I must say, Reilly has been the most amazing blessing for both Billy and I. We feel so spoiled and I cant quite figure out what we did to deserve such an amazing, good natured little boy. He is SO happy...we even survived our first few teeth with very few tears. He gets sleepy around 8 every night and just decides it is time to go to sleep, he talks to himself until about 7 in the morning when Billy and I get up for work...I don't know any different but he is a great kid! Now...I don't want to jinx it but I thought it was worth acknowledging.
These pictures aren't anything too exciting but they are better than nothing!